Anti-counterfeiting Query System

Please enter the product security code (S/N)

Kind tips
1edo anti-counterfeiting labels may have different appearance in different batches, please refer to
the actual product.
Please scratch off the anti-counterfeiting label coating and obtain the verification code to check
the authenticity.
Label color verification: Please press the small red square on the right side of the anti-counterfeiting
label with your finger for a while. If the color becomes lighter or disappears, it is authentic.
Dear user, we recommend that you keep your purchase invoice and product packaging for warranty purposes.
If you encounter any query abnormalities or questions during the above anti-counterfeiting query process, please consult the dealer where you purchased the device or the 1edo after-sales service center.
Mobile phone accessories include product types (including but not limited to): watches, Buds,
mobile phone protective cases, etc.